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officers and their duties


the executive duties of the president are as follows:

1. to preside over meetings of both the executive board and the club as a whole.

2. to judge items not covered in the constitution or in the rules and regulations of the club

3. directorship gives the president authority to judge items not in the constitution.

4. to act as the personal representative of the club in the area of public relations; as a liaison between  the MRMC and local law enforcement agencies ; and as a connecting link between the MRMC and other motorcycle clubs.

5. to represent the club in any club business  cotacts and to supervise major economic transactions.

6. to assist MRMC officers in the interpretation of their club responsibilities ,and to promote club life among members in general.

7. the position of president is indefinate,it is not a voted in position until current president decides to retire or step down,at that point it will be a voted in position.



the executive duties of the vice president are to assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the president is unable to do so.



the executive duties of the secretary are as follows:

1. to record and safeguard the minutes of the club meetings.

2. to maintain the club constitution, recording any additions , deletions, or modifications.

3. to handle any club correspondence.



the executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:

1. to monitor and record the club's income and expenditures .

2. to collect the dues and fines owing by the members.



the executive duties of the sgt of arms is as follows:

1. to maintain order at the club meetings in particular , and club activities in general.

2. to ensure that members adhere to club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.

3. to defend club members,property, or territory from outside threats.

4. he is the personal bodyguard to the president.



the executive duties of the road captain are as follows:

1. to plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the club prior to going on a 'run'.

2. to lead the club in formation while riding.

3. to enforce club rules and procedures for group riding.



the executive duties of the tailgunner are as follows:

1. the tailgunner rides at the back of the formation,,they are responsible for helping any riders that have trouble .

2. responsible for communicating any issues to the road captain.


executive board

the executive board consists of those members who were elected as officers of the club. the board holds scheduled meetings every month . emergency meetings can be called if a situation arises that demands immediate attention. 

the executive board is responsible for:

1. the monitoring of conflicts within the club.

2. the application of disciplinary procedures.

3. the evaluation of prospects and their progress.

4. the presentation of summarized assessments of the overall club situation to the membership (court)





court will consist of all patch holders that are eligible to vote.

officers of the club serve a twelve month term of office, annual elections are held at the last regular meeting of the year in December.


1. in order to be eligible for office , a patch holder has to have been an active member in good standing for a minimum of one year.

2. patch holders who aspire towards a particular position, will campaign informally for one month prior to the elections.

3. electioneering is conducted on an interpersonal face to face basis.

4. hopeful candidate will approach a member  , inform them what he/she is willing to stand for office if nominated, ask for members opinion of his/her qualifications , and solicit the members support .


1. one organized meeting per month.

2. majority rules.

3. if a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not there, their vote is void.

4. meetings will be closed except for prospective members and anyone there on business. 

5. all meetings will be run on a parliamentary basis. members will be evicted for unruly conduct.

6. everyone will attend the meeting on their bike if it is favorable weather, unless their bike is broken down or not running at the time. if the club calls a ride/meeting all members will attend. if a member is working,sick,bike not running they will be excused.

however if a MRMC member repeatedly uses work as an excuse for not "being there" they will be talked to.

7. members must wear colors when attending meetings.

8. during a meeting there will be no talking among members until they get the floor through the president. the sgt of arms will evict anyone not abiding by rules.

9. miss 3 meetings in a row and your out of the club

10. if a member is thrown out of the club or quits without attending meetings ,they lose their colors and anything else that says mayhem riders mc on it.


1. prospects must be at least 18 years old (unless a family member is already a member)

2. prospects must have a motorcycle

3. prospects cannot do any drugs.

4. prospects must show a sincere interest in the club and bikes.

5. prospect must be sponsored by a full patched member.

6. sponsor is responsible for prospect.

7. sponsor can pull a a prospects rockers at their discretion, (this will be closely monitored, sponsor must have a legitimate reason)

8. prospects must attend all meetings and club functions.

9. prospects must do anything another member tells them to do, (that a member has done, or would be willing to do their self. 

10. prospect will stand behind club and members.

11. prospects must pay $45 yearly dues, and $35 per month. the club will supply a prospect patch for will also pay for prospects patches once they become a member. be a prospect you must be voted in . 2 no votes equal a rejection ,1 no vote must be explained.

13. prospective members prospecting period is at the discretion of sponsor and the club, directorship shall decide when vote is necessary.

14. every patch holder must vote for prospect to make center patch, vote must be unanimous. 

15. only the club president may hand out a patch to a prospect. this shall be done at a meeting with only patch holders present.

rules and regulations



the rules of the club will be strictly enforced , if anyone breaks them, executive board will deal with them, if these rules and regulations are broken it could mean either immediate dismissal or suspension or whatever the executive board sees fit. breaking any of the following rules will be reason for immediately kick-out of club.

1. failure to pay their dues

2. no drugs of any kind anyone using drugs other than having a doctor prescribe it,will be considered drugs.(automatic kick out from club)

3. there will be no stealing among members , anyone caught will be kicked out of the club 

4. if a patch holder or prospect throws their colors or quits, then colors are pulled.

5. no member will destroy club property.

6. no member will take the attitude that he does not help other members 

7. no member will go against anything that the club has voted on and passed.

8. no member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves, on club rides. 

9. the club will always stay together on rides, runs, parties, field meets etc.. the only way a member will be permitted to leave the main group will be to notify the president or whoever is in charge , when the time comes that the majority of the members feels it is time to leave, we will all leave together. anyone staying behind for a good reason will do so at their own risk, and can expect no help(this is a safety issue ,also it looks better if we arrive and depart as a club.

10.members will have good attendance , members must have good reasons for not attending meetings or rides, such as working , sickness, no transportation or bike not running.



if anyone breaks general rules , executive board will deal with them in court.


1. if you don't help out the club in its activities and you use the club solely for your benefit, you will be warned, no second chance (this is a family)

2. do as you say.

3. the treasurer  shall keep a clear record of all money paid in and out during the week and will balance it before every meeting; the books will be gone over every week.

4.all mayhem riders fines will b paid within 30 days. fines will be paid to the treasurer .

5. all our club rides will be voted upon by the entire membership.

6. each patch holder/prospect is required to maintain a valid motor vehicle icense,which in cludes motorcycle endorsement.

7. confirmation vote is required for all new patch holders at their 12 month point. unanimous vote from all good standing members is required.

8. absolutely no talking about club business to persons outside the club.

9.there shall be a wrecking crew consisting of the sgt of arms, the junior patch, and whomever the senior patch may designate, the purpose of the wrecking crew is to check out bars,etc, prior to entry by presidenr/ vice president, or senior patch.

10. prospect will watch all bikes when members are at club functions,in bars and anywhere the senior member present deems necessary. prospects may switch on and off and take turns.

11. there will be a club run every month



1. club dues will be paid each month

2. two months overdue is the limit

3. dues will be $35.00 per month payable at the monthly meeting of every month

4. annual dues of $45.00 will be due at the first meeting of the new year.

5. upon failure of paying dues for two months member shall be suspended and turn in their colors. the only exception to this shall be if a member is in jail or if they are out of town for a period of time.

6. the founder and co-founders are exempt from dues.



1.respect is to be shown to all club members (our and others) , officers , other members bikes , ol ladies, house, job, etc. in other words if its not yours , don't mess with it.

2. respect your colors

3. no stealing from members fighting among each other is allowed , any punches to be thrown will be done by the sgt at arms!



1. president gives colors when a new member is voted in

2. when a member leaves the club, member turns over colors to the president of the club.

3. respect your colors; don't let anyone take them from you.

4. nothing will be worn on the back of your vest except colors. personal patches may be worn on the front if they don't interfere with club patches.

5.colors must be worn at all times when riding or at club functions. only one of your club brothers or your ol lady can babysit your colors. colors are not required to be worn to and from employment if not allowed by employer. also it is up to the individual member to wear or not to wear their colors in a cage, it is not mandatory unless on club business, if patch is lost or stolen, patch holder will be judged by court, (this is a very serious issue).



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